The Unified School District celebrates Latine/x Heritage Month to recognize and honor the contributions of generations of Latine/x Americans who have enriched and inspired our nation. On June 2, 2021, the Board of Education adopted a resolution in support of the achievement and success of all Latinx students. Read the full resolution here.
Los recursos de Latine/x en español se pueden encontrar aquí.
Our mission in BUSD is to “enable and inspire our diverse student body to achieve academic excellence and make positive contributions to our world.”
We believe that to accomplish this mission and keep our promises of Excellence, Equity, Enrichment and Engagement, we must create school communities and classrooms that are welcoming, humanizing and inclusive. As educators, we have the unique opportunity and responsibility to make our school communities places where all students are seen, heard and affirmed. This happens in many ways including our interactions, our policies and practices, our content and relationships. It requires intentionality and a commitment to celebrate, explore and elevate our individual and collective consciousness about ourselves and each other.
This month, September 15 – October, is the month designated as Latine/x Heritage Month. We appreciate the many ways in which so many of our classes and school communities are places that uplift and celebrate the rich diversity and contributions of the Latine/x community all year long. We also value the fundamental opportunity Latinx Heritage Month offers schools to acknowledge the contributions, culture and history of Latine/x peoples as critical to the past, present and future. We want to explore and highlight the diversity, brilliance, contributions and richness of a diaspora of people, languages and cultures and the beautiful mosaic that is the Latine/x community both in their countries of origin and specifically here in Berkeley and the Bay Area. We hope that these resources support you in these efforts.
Enikia Ford Morthel
Supt. Unified School District
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle school students painting a mural in celebration of Día de los Muertos.
Why Latine/x?
You may have noticed that we are using the term “Latine/x” this year. Our district strives to be inclusive and affirming of all gender identities and terms such as Latine and Latinx help us communicate this commitment. Latino, Chicana, Hispanic, and Latinx are just some of the terms that people in our community embrace and identify with. There is no one perfect word for such a diverse group of people and our community will continue to engage in discussions about the ever-evolving terminology that people use to express and celebrate their identities. If you are curious to learn more, we invite you to read about the difference between Latine and Latinx.
Reading Lists for All Ages
These , organized by grade level, represent books published in the last five years that are devoted to celebrating, representing, and affirming Latine/Latinx heritage, and celebrating the invaluable contributions of our Latine/Latinx community. Every school library will receive copies of some of the newest books on the lists in both English and Spanish.
All these books are available through BUSD school libraries as a physical and/or digital book. For more information about any of these books or to check out a copy, please ask your school librarian.
Community Event
Student & Family Resources
Puente Project
The Puente Project is a national award-winning program that has helped tens of thousands of educationally disadvantaged students enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors to future generations. Begun in 1981, Puente combines accelerated instruction, intensive academic counseling, and community leadership opportunities. The Puente Project helps to prepare educationally underserved students for college admission and success through its combination of accelerated instruction, intensive academic counseling, and opportunities for community leadership. Puente is open to all students.
Project 2 Inspire
From the California Association of Bilingual Educators (CABE)
CABE’s Parent and Family Engagement Program is focused on working with CABE’s partners from school districts and county offices to provide parents with the best opportunities and resources to help their children succeed in school. To achieve this goal, CABE’s Parent and Family Engagement Program provides high-quality education, resources, and leadership development to ALL parents. P2I offers professional development for district and school administrators, parent involvement coordinators or liaisons, and other family engagement professionals on researched based strategies and effective practices.
Family Guide
Please enjoy the 2024-2025 Family Guides for celebrating Latine/x Heritage Month.
Three Things You Can Do To Celebrate Latine/x Heritage Month
The English Family Guide PDF is.
The Arabic Family Guide PDF is.
The Spanish Family Guide PDF is.
TK-8 Teaching Resources
This was compiled by Joemy Ito-Gates, BUSD’s Ethnic Studies TSA in collaboration with the Professional Development Team.
Some Additional Resources for Teachers:
| From the Library of Congress
Lifting Up BUSD Staff Latine/x Voices
Please check back on September 20, 2023 to see the newest staff posters.
In celebration of our Latine/x community, this year BUSD has introduced “Lifting Up Latine/x Voices,” a campaign to share our Latine/x staff narratives with our students and community by creating posters featuring their stories and experiences. These posters will be displayed at schools, work sites, on the BUSD website, and in district publications. Sharing these narratives with our students will allow them to deepen connections with Latine/x staff across the district.
Please click on each image to see a full-sized poster.
Jessica Arroyo
2nd Grade Teacher
Malcolm X Elementary School
Regina Camargo
PreK Special Education Teacher
King Child Development Center
Erica Carter
Kindergarten Teacher
Emerson Elementary School
Rosa Parks & Washington Elementary Schools
Rebekka Dagher
Speech Therapist
Sylvia Mendez Elementary School
Ananda Esteva
Mild/Moderate Education Specialist
Longfellow Middle School
Tania García-Peña
Spanish Teacher
Berkeley High School
Miranda González
School Counselor
Berkeley High School
Natalya G. González Méndez
School Counseling Intern & MLP Tutor
Berkeley High School
Emily Hawkins
English Language Development Teacher
Washington Elementary School
Lesly Esmeralda Leverman
Two-Way Immersion Science Teacher
Longfellow Middle School
Susi López
Spanish Teacher
Berkeley High School
Ernesto Marin
Family Engagement & Equity Specialist
Thousand Oaks Elementary School
Elizabeth Medina
4th Grade Teacher
Emerson Elementary School
Alietti Ortega-Mendoza
School Counselor
Berkeley High School
Margot Pepper
3rd Grade & former Two Way Spanish Immersion Teacher
Rosa Parks Elementary School
Angelica Perez
Literacy Coach
Thousand Oaks Elementary School
Lourdes Rivas
Kindergarten Teacher
Sylvia Mendez Elementary School
Rosalia Tinajero de Rodriguez
Instructional Assistant
Longfellow Middle School
Angie Soto
World Language Instructor
Berkeley High School
KZ Zapata
Berkeley High School
BUSD’s Families Flourishing Workshop, a collaboration of Unified’s Office of Family Engagement & Equity and Latinos Unidos, is an opportunity to reflect and be encouraged to advocate for students.
Get Involved and Learn More
| UC Berkeley
March 21 to April 10, 2024 is the César Chávez, Dolores Huerta, and Lary Itliong Commemorative Period / De Marzo 21 hasta Abril 10 es el Periodo Conmemorativo de César Chávez, Dolores Huerta y Lary Itliong
BUSD observes March 21 to April 10 as the César Chávez and Dolores Huerta Commemorative Period–one of the many ways we celebrate and affirm the rich histories of the Chicano, Chicana, Chicanx, Filipina, Filipino, Filipinx, and the Latina, Latino, Latinx communities in our schools.
Read BUSD Resolution No. 21-032 declaring the period of March 21 to April 10 as the César Chávez & Dolores Huerta commemorative period at BUSD.
BUSD observa del 21 de marzo al 10 de abril como el Periodo Conmemorativo de César Chávez y Dolores Huerta en celebración de las ricas historias de las comunidades Chicano, Chicana, Chicanx, Filipina, Filipino, Filipinx, y Latina, Latino, Latinx en nuestras escuelas.
Lea la Resolución de BUSD No. 21-032 declarando el periodo de marzo 21 al 10 de abril como el periodo conmemorativo de César Chávez y Dolores Huerta en BUSD.
Teaching Resources
The BUSD Library Services Department has created a website of teacher resources that are intended to explore, celebrate, uphold, and affirm the important contributions of César Chávez, Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong, and Philip Vera Cruz as civil rights and labor leaders in California, as well as the countless other leaders and farmworkers who engaged in these historic civil rights protests. Unified School District is committed to teaching the next generation about our state’s vital labor history.
El Departamento de Servicios Bibliotecarios de BUSD ha creado un sitio web de recursos para maestros con el fin de explorar, celebrar, defender y afirmar las importantes contribuciones de César Chávez, Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong y Philip Vera Cruz como líderes de los derechos civiles y laborales en California, así como de los innumerables líderes y trabajadores agrícolas que participaron en estas históricas protestas por los derechos civiles. Unified School District se compromete a enseñar a la próxima generación la vital historia laboral de nuestro estado.
Entre los recursos se incluyen recomendaciones de libros, libros electrónicos, fotografías históricas, vídeos, artículos y sitios web, todos ellos agrupados por niveles, desde preescolar hasta la preparatoria.
¡Գٱ! Latinx Success Events